The Cunningham Chapel Parish Memorial Garden is situated in the Christ Church Close between the Church and Parish House. While the boxwood hedge dates back to the 19th century, the decision to put a memorial garden within the hedge was made by the Rev. Pete Gustin during his time as rector of Cunningham Chapel Parish.
On October 20, 1993 the vestry approved a design for the garden that was proposed by Greg Shannon, brother-in-law of parishioner Bob Hobbs. Mr. Shannon was at that time a landscape design student at Virginia Tech (VPI) who donated his services. Mr. Hobbs donated the planting as a gift to the parish.
The circular gravel path with its surrounding concentric rows of planting symbolizes the cycle of eternal life; the central rocks, both God and the faith on which the Church is built. Original planting material was green and white except for the plumbago, a low blue-flowering groundcover at the base of the rocks.
The garden was completed in November 1994. Gifts toward the completion of the garden were made by Mildred Anderson, Martha and Bill Cook (to the memory of Mr. and Mrs. H. Delmer Robinson), and Shawn Morgan. Mr. Hobbs nursed the plant material through its first year. Walter Robbins donated the bench in the garden as a spot for visitors to meditate. Ruth and Don Tardif donated the stone plaque at the garden entrance.
If you would like more information about the Memorial Garden or have information or history to share about the Memorial Garden, please contact the parish office at 540-837-1112 or via email to
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